Hunting for a job is now your new job

Job hunting can feel overwhelming, but staying organized can make the process more manageable and efficient. Here are some strategies that can help you navigate your job search more effectively.

Landing a new job can be a full-time job in and of itself!

Be sure to allocate specific hours for job search activities and show up consistently to do the work. It helps to set a schedule and stick to it. Time management is key.

The process of finding a job involves so much more than simply sending in applications!

Considering how much time we spend at our jobs, it’s worth having a solid plan to guide you through the process and to ensure that the job you land is the right one for you at this point in your career. 

Steps to Land the Job

  • Eyes on the Prize
    Next identify your career goals and job preferences.

Use platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn to search for positions that align with your skills and interests. Dedicate time each day for this activity.

  • Sweetening the Deal
    Now that you’ve identified some target roles, it’s time to identify gaps in your skills and knowledge and work on filling them.
    The goal is to confidently convey your skills and how they align with requirements of the role to stand out to your potential employer.  You should also come to the interview prepared with any required documents, as well as with several copies of your resume.
  • The ‘One on Ones’
    Be flexible with your other activities to prioritize interviews.

The more job interviews you attend, the higher your chances of landing a job!

With a thoughtfully organized job search strategy, the goal is to not just be invited to more interviews, but more interviews for the right roles.


A Lot to Process?

An efficient way to stay organized is to create a job application tracker. Log every interaction, from application submission to interviews, to gauge your progress. Setting specific time blocks for each job search activity can help you stay focused and efficient. You can allocate separate time blocks for job seeking, sending applications, interview preparation, networking, and career development.

3 Extra Tips from your HR adviser

  1. Keep your follow up correspondence brief and friendly, with a focus on your enthusiasm for the role and the value you bring.
  2. It can be especially helpful to keep notes about how you answered key job interview questions to learn what answers are most effective and make improvements.
  3. Always send a thank-you email after an interview.

You’ve Got This!

Job hunting is a process that requires careful planning and time management, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming!

Prioritize your tasks and keep track of your progress to make your job search more efficient and successful.

Taking the time to create a plan at the outset will pay dividends in the long run!


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