Proven Resume Tips That Work: 10 Steps To Crafting the Ideal Resume

Unlock the Path to Your Dream Career with a Strategic Resume and Job Application Approach

Looking for a way to boost your resume and get the job that you really want? As someone who has secured a number of interviews and jobs over the past several decades, I’d like to share with you some tips and tricks to help your resume stand out from the crowd. 

1). Know What the Employer Wants 

The fact is that you don’t want to send a template resume to a future employer. The HR execs have an excellent sense of resumes that are not tailored to their companies. 

These resumes tend to be disregarded quickly.

You can make your resume stand out by attaching a cover letter that explains why you feel that you are better suited for the position. 

2). Make Your Resume Easily Scannable 

An HR exec will spend about 10 seconds scanning your resume looking for the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your expertise 
  • Your experience

Be sure that your resume is formatted so that it is easily scannable. 


Hand of man holding resume review to applying for jobFor instance, I like to place my name in bold letters at the top of the resume followed by my contact information and my title.

This allows the HR exec to easily scan for basic information.

When it comes to experience, keep it simple.

Simply include your previous position, time at position, and what you did at the company. Spend no more than three lines of copy for each entry. 

3). Use Proper Type Fonts

Don’t get fancy with your resume! Make sure you use a typeface that is easily readable.

Your resume is supposed to convey basic information.

If you are applying for a graphic design or visual job, don’t try to overdo the design work. Simple is better.

Personally, I use Times New Roman. Also, Arial is fine if you are looking for a sans serif font.

4). Go Digital


Businessman reading resume of woman on his digital tablet during an interviewAfter completing your resume, you will want to take advantage of the fact that you can digitally submit your CV to a number of employers. 

Popular job search sites include Indeed, LinkedIn, Monster, and ZipRecruiter. 

Also, be sure to look at websites for industry-specific jobs.

Before you submit your digital application, be sure to carefully read the job posting.

Be sure to include all information requested by the employer.

Any omission will lead to a quick rejection of your resume. 

5). Get a Second Opinion

Before sending your resume out, be sure to have a second person take a look at your resume.

I like to have someone who works in my industry check over my CV for the following possible errors:

  • Grammatical mistakes
  • Lack of clarity
  • Superfluous information 

6). Follow Up

After you have submitted your resume, be sure to contact the employer after about seven days.


woman having phone callEmployers like applicants who take the initiative.

This tells the employer that you are really interested in the job.

Now the tough part - what is the best way to contact them?

  1. First, I recommend following up via email.
  2. Wait about three days, if you have not received a response:
    • Contact the person by phone.
    • You can also send a letter. I recommend that you send a certified letter.


7). Look at Examples in Your Industry

I like to look at the resumes of other people in my industry. 

This helps in two ways. First, I want to make sure that my resume is consistent with what is working. You don’t want a resume that looks too out of place.


Businesswoman hand pulling leader man wooden from crowd of employees.Also, looking at other resumes will also give you ideas on how to improve your own CV.

So where can you find these other resumes? Here are some ideas:

  • Ask contacts in your industry if you can look at their resumes
  • Contact HR people and ask if you can see examples of successful resumes
  • Open a LinkedIn account and Direct Message people in your industry and ask if you can view their resume.

8). Contacts Your References

Right around the time that I am about to submit my resume, I contact each one of the references in my CV and let them know that someone may contact them.

This is especially important if you haven’t worked with a certain reference for an extended period of time.

For any reason, if the reference is not reachable, be sure to leave that person out of the resume.


People holding yes or no signsYou want to make it easy for a future employer to do their research on you.

9). Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

More and more, employers are looking at a candidate’s social media accounts.

Therefore, be sure to include your social media information in your resume and then double-check your accounts. 

You don’t want to have any information on your social media accounts that could get you in trouble.

Here is what you should look out for and potentially delete:

  • Any objectionable information that you have posted, liked, or reposted
  • Any posts that disparage a previous employer
  • Any potentially embarrassing photos and videos of yourself.

10). Post Your Resume Online


In addition to sending your resume out, you should also consider posting your resume on your own site or on LinkedIn. This could make things easier if someone wants to see your resume right away. 

When you post your resume online, be sure that it reads clearly on both desktop and mobile screens.

Crafting a Resume that Gets Results  

The ideal resume can help you secure the job of your choice. 

Be sure to follow the above ten steps and target the right employers for your resume. 

If you don’t get an offer right away, have patience!

A good job will have lots of applicants. With the right resume, you will be sure to stand out from the rest. 


Selected highlighted person from the group

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