The "staying at home" grocery spending extravaganza

Hey stop everything, what's going on, weren't we supposed to spend less money with all this confinement?

One leaves with the pretense that “being at home” is synonymous with spending less, but no; The reality is that we are spending more than normal when buying groceries at the supermarket.

The uncertainty of these times makes us spend more

We are spending more than planned because we don't know what will happen tomorrow. The “just in case” is manifesting.

Check this out:

According to data from the consulting firm Nielsen, sales of cleaning products increased 12.7%, warehouse products 10% and fresh, dairy and frozen products 9.4%.

We have stopped spending on restaurants, movies and weekend outings, but a large part of that money is being used in “groceries”.

That has to be corrected. Make the sum of the money you spent on weekends and save that amount.

X-ray your fridge

Take a look at what you have in your pantry and refrigerator and make a list of items you do need.
Thus, when you go to the supermarket, you'll already know what you have to buy.

There are apps that help you make an easy recipe with the products you have at home.

Remember that you can eat healthy without spending a fortune

Don't fall for marketing tricks: Check the shelves of organic or vegetarian food that have a very hipster and naturist presentation. Sometimes those products are worth their price, but many other times you can get the same thing in bulk and at a much better price.

Important fact:

Cereals, pasta, noodles, rice, and quinoa are good for your stomach, they are also cheap products.

Take a taste of legumes because they are good for you, they are profitable, and they are cheap.
The next time you go to the supermarket, take a walk through the “healthy” area and buy a package of beans, kidney beans, lentils, soy (and its derivatives such as tofu), peas, chickpeas, etc.

The key to financial success

1- Bye uncertainty

2- Do not go hungry to the supermarket

Don't let the “pandemic” effect betray you. All this (sooner or later) will pass.
Don't rush and buy only what's necessary.

And finally, eat a piece of bread before leaving home because we already know you:
You are one of those who go to the supermarket and buy your box of cookies, your liter of ice cream, popcorn to watch Netflix, some beers and everything you need to make your lemon pie.

Don't be abusive, haha and be smart.

We hope that little by little, your consumption habits will improve.

We want to see you succeed.

Article translated by Rodolfo Schaefer

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