Stop financial sabotage in your relationship

Having a partner should feel fun, easy and happy.
We are here to enjoy each other, learn and make agreements.

If you feel that you and your partner are doing poorly, it's important that you rethink your financial habits.

Happiness is so obvious that we make it complicated.

Here are some steps to follow:

Talk about money with your partner!

This point is super important. It's time to eliminate the “taboo” that establishes that it's NOT a good idea to talk about money as a couple.

Open communication and trust are important for any couple, and finances are no exception. Knowing each other's financial situation can help you to:

  • Set shared goals
  • Make informed decisions
  • Build a stronger relationship

.A couple is a team, and there is nothing wrong with knowing how much they earn. The fact of “being together” must be mutually beneficial (financially speaking). Here are some points that can help you:

  1. Who earns more money? Based on that, implement a joint budget so that both of you spend what is fair.
  2. If you see that both of you are hiding information, ask yourself directly: Why should we hide our earnings? Are we happy with that dynamic?
  3. Everyone earns and spends their own money: The rule should be that one pays “x” things and the other “x” things, and each one should have a certain amount of money left over to spend on whatever they want.


cropped image of couple planning family budget and holding piggy bank in living room(You will decide if it's for a joint goal or something you want individually). There's nothing wrong with it. (:

How real is the better half theory?

We have lived with this belief, but the reality is that we are already complete beings. We don't need our “better half”.

We are here to complement each other and team up, not to fill gaps.

What makes a you complete?

  • Having your own savings and knowing that “looking out for your interests” is not an act of selfishness
  • Encouraging and inspiring your partner to achieve their financial goals
  • Helping your partner but not forgeting you have your own needs
  • What is promised is fulfilled
  • Knowing that your're not a victim because you know you've BUILT the life you live
  • Love yourself very much and love your partner with the same intensity


happy and couple on a date for valentines day

Listen to each otheeeeeer

What does each one want? What is important to your partner?

A few days ago, I read a tweet that said:

My boyfriend hates FILA sneakers but he knows that I love them.
Today I woke up and he left me a gift in the living room:
They were the FILAAA that I loved so much.

See? Everything is as simple as that. This is how love should be.

"Each one gives what they receive and then receives what they give."

Conclusion to improve your finances as a couple:

Talk, make agreements, and love each other very much.


Happy woman and her husband communicating while relaxing in the living room

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