Organizing your money is self-care

Typical, pay day arrives and happiness lasts a few seconds because automatically you have to pay and do accounts.

This may seem daunting to you, but there are many ways to create a friendlier environment when doing your financial tasks.

Did you know that over 55% of Americans do not use a budget to manage their income, according to a survey by The Penny Hoarder?

The reason is that people believe that keeping a mental record is enough.

“Nobody taught us to organize ourselves any other way”

The good thing about it is that we can change this: we are millennials and if something characterizes us, it's that we know how to reinvent ourselves.

Apply the #selfcare method when organizing your expenses

1- Take care of your mind

Do your brain a favor and stop giving it the responsibility of remembering every expense you have to make.

Make Excel, Mint or Goodbudget your new best friends.

Use these programs to start organizing your next trip (it's important to total what you earn per year and see what percentage of your salary goes to fixed expenses, extra expenses and savings).

Check how much money you have available to meet your goal.

2- Accept yourself as you are

Write down everything you spend.

Divide them into categories and call them in a way that connects with your personality and your stage of life.

For example:

If you know you're one of those who spends on music festivals, put it in a category or if you spend on clothes like me, that too.

“Divide them into categories and call them in a way that connects with your personality and your stage of life.”

3- Disconnect, take your time

When the next payment falls, don't run to your account and pay everything in one go.

Breathe. Find a time in the day when you can do numbers and record it in your Excel or apps mentioned above. Calmly cross off each payment.

When you're organizing your future financial goals, prepare yourself something to eat and put on a cool playlist. It's important to create a friendly environment so that your brain understands that "doing financials and recording expenses" is not something from another world.

Repeat these steps. Little by little you will realize that organizing your money is synonymous with self-care, going after your dreams and enjoying your lifestyle.

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