Improve your finances throughout the year

We start a new year and with it thousands of dreams, purposes, desires and... lies that we tell ourselves. We've said it many times here, true changes are made by having very clear goals, making daily efforts and habits, and achieving small wins. For that, we share with you 9 small things you can do daily that will pay-off to your pocket. 

1.- Make a Plan

It's that simple. How ambitious should the planning be? As much as you can make it. Plan for 20 years, plan for 5 years, plan for the next year, the next month, the next week and yes...even for tomorrow. If you plan your next day the night before, you'll increase your productivity considerably.

If you plan your next day the night before, you'll increase your productivity considerably.

Plan your trips and vacations, plan your retirement, plan how the hell you're going to manage to invest consistently. Plan. Don't just do stuff. Plan. We assure you that with a little more planning and a lot of action, you'll get closer to your goals.

2.- Use a calendar

There's no better way to show your desire to plan and achieve your goals than using a calendar to schedule the things that really matter. From spending more time with your loved ones, your business ideas, or just your health, making time in your calendar increases the chances that you actually do them.

If you make time in your calendar, it'll increase the chances that you'll actually do it.

3.- Choose a bill and collect it

Years ago I started doing the challenge of saving all the spare change that I received for one reason or another, and although I didn't reach the end of the challenge (filling a 2-liter pet), I did manage to collect more than $200 dollars without thinking about it. We call this experiment "The bottle that takes you far away" and now we challenge you to do the same but with a bill and for a certain time. It can be the $1 bill, $20 bill, the $50 bill, or whatever you want, but it will help you exercise your savings muscle on a day-to-day basis.

4.- Choose a payment method

Something basic but very important. Here we've talked about the advantages and truths about using a Credit Card, also about the dangers of Months without Interest and specifically about the Debate of Using Credit, Debit or Cash as a payment method. In this next year, we invite you to define what will be your main payment method and learn how to improve according to your selection.

5.- Do Exercise

This sounds like a chubby purpose that is always forgotten on February 1st. But when you read that good habits are essential for better personal finances, you understand that most millionaires exercise more and more consistently than people who don't haves as much money. We remind you of The 7 Money Lessons I Learned by Exercising.

Most millionaires exercise more and more consistently than people who don't haves as much money

6.- Purify the Material

If during the next year you adopt a more minimalist mind, you'll notice that It is Possible to Live Better with Less things, with less worries and with less expenses. Use The Guide to Get Rid of Your Trash and reduce the material to achieve greater focus on life experiences, savings and investment.

7.- Select and cherish your relationships

Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are. Remember that our personality and our professional and life projects are largely influenced by our social context. That is why it's said that we are the sum of the 5 people we frequent the most. It's not about having hundreds of friends. Find the ideal balance, a few great friends and having many acquaintances to network.

We are the sum of the 5 people we frequent the most. It's not about having hundreds of friends.

8.- Learn about Money

Ok, bonus points because you're already reading this. But really make it and everyday thing for the next year. If you follow us on social networks and find out how the world of money and business works, your mind will have cog turn and you'll begin to think more as a producer than as a consumer. Fortunately, we send the best of our content in a Newsletter and publish daily on our networks, so follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!

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9.- Consume financial news

Similar to the previous point, make it a habit to also inform yourself about the news that impacts the micro and macro economy, because financial crises and changes in the world's economies should matter to you in order to make the best decisions in your portfolio.

Article translated by Rodolfo Schaefer


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