Ikigai’s Top Tips to Achieve Financial Well-Being
Ikigai can be defined as a motivation to find purpose in life and to pursue it in the decisions we make for our actions to be aligned with our objectives in life.
The concept of Ikigai has existed in Japanese culture for centuries, but it was Miek Kamiya, a Japanese psychiatrist who first included it in her book "On the meaning of life" back in 1966.
Applying this Japanese concept in our everyday life leads to better satisfaction in our decisions and understanding of where we are heading to.
This being said, it is an excellent philosophy to apply to our financial decisions and the way we manage money.
Ikigai is not Just a Venn Diagram
Ikigai has been widely misunderstood by many as a simple "Ikigai Venn diagram". Wellness bloggers, life coaches, and HR managers worldwide have shared the diagram with millions of readers.
Although the “Ikigai Venn Diagram” first appeared in Andrés Zuzunaga book "What would you do if you weren't afraid", entrepreneur Marc Winn merged it with the Ikigai philosophy and Dan Buettner's Ted Talk on "How to live to be 100+" made it popular.
Nicholas Kemp is an author, Japanologist, and founder of the Ikigai Tribe. He is a huge advocate of the real Ikigai teachings. In his Medium article, he addressed the heart of Ikigai, which goes beyond what most people know.
The 5 pillars of Ikigai
He believes that the 5 Pillars of Ikigai from Ken Mogi's book are a better way to allow our Ikigai to flourish.
- Pillar 1: Starting small
- Pillar 2: Letting yourself free
- Pillar 3: Harmony and sustainability
- Pillar 4: The joy of little things
- Pillar 5: Living in the moment
In conclusion, Ikigai is more than just a simple diagram of four circles. It is an ancient and complex concept that requires understanding and effort to unlock its potential.
The 10 Rules of Ikigai
However, the diagram can really help implement the Ikigai philosophy in your everyday life. Ikigai is the intersection of passion, vocation, mission, and profession. To allow it to flourish, you need to commit to the 10 rules of Ikigai, which are:
#1 Staying healthy and active
Setting goals and consistently progressing towards them is key to staying active. Having dreams fuels our motivation and provides a sense of direction in our daily lives.
Additionally, helping others find their Ikigai can bring immense fulfillment.
#2 Take it slow
Taking it slow means savoring the simple pleasures of life. It's about stepping back from the constant rush of deadlines and responsibilities and allowing ourselves to breathe and recharge.
#3 Don't fill your stomach
Practical strategies for mindful eating include slowing down when you eat, enjoying its flavors and textures, and tuning into your body's signals of hunger and fullness. Paying attention to moderation and portion control are integral parts of living a healthier lifestyle.
Furthermore, planning meals and snacks to incorporate a range of nutritious food options can also be useful.
This rule can work as an analogy of diversifying your investment portfolio, it should also include a range of instruments to reduce risk, including some liquid assets.
#4 Surround yourself with good friends
Toxic people are never worth your time. Surrounding yourself with good friends with similar interests and values is essential for finding and living your Ikigai.
Having kindhearted friends will not only improve your well-being, but they can also bring greater purpose and fulfillment to your daily life.