How would FICTIONAL billionaires invest a million dollars

When it comes to wealth, fiction can be just as instructive as reality, which is why we'll explore how five of the most famous fictional billionaires would invest a million dollars, if given the chance. 

These characters have captured our imagination and provided us with a glimpse into the lives of the ultra-rich and powerful. 

From the cunning and ruthless Gordon Gekko of Wall Street to the innovative and risk-taking Tony Stark of the Iron Man franchise, these characters have made a lasting impact on pop culture and have given us a window into the world of high-stakes finance and investments.



In this challenge, we'll examine each character's unique investment profile and see how they would approach the task of investing a million dollars. 

We'll consider their background and their previous strategies to see how they might go about making their investment decisions.

We'll also set some basic rules for this challenge to ensure that the playing field is level for all the characters.

We'll examine the pros and cons of short-term and long-term investments, and consider what types of investments each character would be most likely to make.



In the end, we'll determine which of these fictional billionaires would make the most money, and explore what lessons we can learn from their strategies and approaches to investing.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting to learn about personal finance, this article will provide a unique and entertaining perspective on the world of investments.


The Challenge:

The challenge is simple: invest a million dollars and see who makes the most money. 

To level the playing field, we've set some basic rules. 



  • The characters can't use any resources that they have access to in their fictional worlds 
  • They can't engage in any illegal practices.
  • The million dollars must be invested in real-world investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and so on. 
  • The characters are also given a time frame of five years to make their investments and grow their wealth.


What do we expect of these moguls?



This challenge provides a unique opportunity to see how these fictional characters would fare in a real-world investment scenario.

It's important to note that these characters are all incredibly wealthy and successful in their respective fictional worlds, but how would they perform in the real world with real-world constraints?

By using their wealth and influence to make strategic investments, these characters will put their financial savvy to the test. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top and who makes the most money in the five-year investment challenge. 



The winner of the challenge will not only have bragging rights but will also demonstrate their mastery of the financial world and their ability to grow wealth in a real-world setting.


Why these characters?

Billion's Bobby Axelrod, Succession's Logan Roy, Yellowstone's John Dutton, Iron Man's Tony Stark, and Wall Street's Gordon Gekko are all iconic figures in the world of entertainment. 

They are known for their wealth, power, and cunning business understanding.

These characters have captured the imagination of audiences everywhere and have come to embody the ideal of the billionaire: ruthless, innovative, and always on the lookout for the next big opportunity.



In this article, we will explore how each of these characters would invest one million dollars in the real world, based on their unique backgrounds and strategies. 

This will provide a fascinating look at the different approaches to wealth-building, as well as a glimpse into the mind of some of the most successful fictional billionaires in history.


Billion's Bobby Axelrod

Bobby Axelrod, played by Damien Lewis, is the hedge fund manager at the center of the show Billions. 

He owns a hedge fund known both for delivering high yield over investments and for their aggressive tactics, in the show they explain plenty of cheats and strategies to achieve profit from stock market deals. 


Bobby is a master of market analysis, knowing when to make the right investment and when to get out. 

He's also a master of market manipulation, using insider information and shady practices to get ahead.

In the challenge, Bobby would likely opt for a combination of short-term investments and long-term investments

He would use his market analysis skills to identify hidden or even create his own opportunities in the stock market and make trades that would generate quick profits


Bobby’s strategies include:

  • Inside trading (which is illegal by the way) taking confidential information to profit from the stock market.
  • Short selling, or betting against the future of a company.
  • Leveraged buying, borrowing money to purchase assets.
  • Contrarian investing, taking opposite positions to the market trends to profit from market corrections.




He would invest in any “odd opportunity” to the naked eye, but he does his homework and goes the extra mile, not only can he learn about circumstances that will benefit a sector, but maneuver situations to make the environment to make things happen.

At the end of the challenge, Bobby would have likely made substantial profits in a series of short-term strategies. 

He's always willing to fight for what he wants and will stop at nothing to come out on top.

"Never give an inch, because they'll take a mile"

Bobby Axelrod


Succession's Logan Roy

Logan Roy, played by Brian Cox, is the aging media mogul at the center of the show Succession. 

Logan is a savvy businessman, using his wealth and influence to control the media landscape.

The show is not clear about Logan’s origins (it kind of implies some connections to Ireland), however, it makes references of he started from a humble background and that he built a media conglomerate from the ground, specializing in news media, he diversified into different  sectors, among it mentions amusement parks, travel cruises, Tv networks, film production and media platforms.


Some critics have compared Logan to Rupert Murdoch, since the Tv Network shares some similarities to Fox News, but also an aggressive strategy and age, while Murdoch’s age is 91, Succession starts its first season with his offsprings fighting over who will take his place in the company (SPOILERS ALERT: He fights to keep his place).

He's also a master of mergers and acquisitions, using his wealth and influence to buy up struggling companies and turn them around.

In the challenge, Logan would likely opt for a combination of short-term investments and long-term investments.


He would use his wealth and influence to identify undervalued media properties and buy them up, using his media savvy to turn them around. 

He might fight to keep the power of a dying way of working, but ultimately he would invest in new technology and give a chance for startups if he finds a growth opportunity.

In terms of the amount of money made, it's difficult to say exactly how much Logan would make but he would likely find an undervalued asset and make the minimum investment to sell it for big money. Given his track record of successfully turning around struggling companies, it's likely that he would make a significant profit both in the short and long term.


Logan has the determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain his wealth and influence.

"I built this empire with my bare hands, and I will do whatever it takes to protect it". 

-Logan Roy

Yellowstone's John Dutton

John Dutton, played by Kevin Costner, is the rancher at the center of the show Yellowstone. 


John is a tough, no-nonsense businessman who uses his wealth and influence to protect his ranch and his family. 

He was the sole heir of one of the biggest ranches in the United States, his family established in the property before the state of Montana was even a state.

He is a man of traditions and believes in hard work as a way of life, critical about how easy some industries make money, he prefers to keep his ranch away from big investments in order to secure his legacy for future generations.


He's also a master of real estate, using his wealth and influence to buy up land and expand his ranch.

In the challenge, John would likely opt for long-term investments

He would use his wealth and influence to identify undervalued real estate opportunities and buy them up, using his real estate wisdom to turn them into profitable investments. 

At the end of the challenge, John would have may not be the wealthiest, but one thing is sure, his investments will give profit for many years to come.

Low risk but high endurance is what John Dutton can bring with a million dollar investment. 


"You either get to live life on your terms or you die, so you might as well make it a good one”.

-John Dutton

Iron Man's Tony Stark

Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., is the genius inventor and businessman at the center of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Iron Man franchise. 

In order to survive, Tony had to risk his life using his technology knowledge to develop, under difficult circumstances, a device that could also power a metal suit with superhero capabilities.


His engineering creativity was nurtured by his father, who built a defense weapon empire, where Tony gets his original wealth.

However, Stark is known for his innovative thinking and risk-taking behavior, which has made him one of the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs in the world of fiction.

He is a billionaire playboy who runs Stark Industries, a cutting-edge technology, and weapons manufacturing company.

In investing a million dollars, Stark is likely to follow a high-risk, high-reward strategy, seeking out innovative technologies and startups that have the potential for massive growth. 


He would likely be drawn to companies in the fields of renewable energy, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence, as these are areas where he has already shown interest in the films.

Stark would also be likely to invest in startups and businesses run by young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, as he has a soft spot for underdogs and a history of supporting young talent in films.

He would also be likely to use his extensive network and connections to gather information and intelligence on potential investments, leveraging his vast wealth and influence to secure advantageous deals and partnerships.

His risk in fast pace innovation would demand fast paying profits.


"No amount of money ever bought a second of time".

-Tony Stark

He would likely be willing to take risks, make bold moves, and spend money to make money, but also have a strong sense of social responsibility, using his investments to make a positive impact on the world.

Stark would likely be more focused on short-term gains, as he is always looking for the next big thing, but he would also have a long-term vision for his investments and would be willing to hold onto them for years if necessary.


Overall, Tony Stark's investment profile would be characterized by a high-risk, high-reward strategy, a focus on innovation and technology, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Wall Street’s Gordon Gekko

Gordon Gekko, played by Michael Douglas, is the corporate raider at the center of the movie Wall Street. 

In the film he tries to buy an airline with the goal of breaking it up and selling it off in pieces. This strategy, known as a "corporate raid," is a common tactic used to generate profits by acquiring undervalued companies and then breaking them apart to sell their parts at a higher price.


He is manipulative and resourceful, he gets inside information from various sources and uses them to get the best deal when he buys and also to get the best price when he sells.

Although he may not be the best at covering his traces, since he got convicted for insider trading.

Either way, Gordon is a master of finance, he uses capital and influence to take over struggling companies and sell them in pieces.

In the challenge, Gordon would likely opt for short-term investments. He would use his insider trading skills to identify undervalued companies and make trades that would generate quick profits.


Evidence of good outcome for Gekko is that when he got out of jail managed to get himself up the financial world’s ladder, with aggressive tactics that showed the world once again who Gordon Gekko is.

Gordon Gekko has a ruthless and cunning approach to business and investing.

“Greed is good. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit”.

-Gordon Gekko



In conclusion, it's difficult to determine who the ultimate winner would be in this challenge as each of the characters bring their unique skills and strategies to the table. 

While they each approach investing differently, they all share a common goal of maximizing their profits and building their wealth.

Ultimately, the winner of this challenge would depend on several factors, including the state of the market, the type of investments made, and the skill and expertise of the individual characters. 

Regardless of who comes out on top, one thing is for sure: these fictional billionaires provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of high finance and offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to build wealth in the real world.



Investment Styles and timelines 

Style \ Time





Bobby Axelroth

Tony Stark

Gordon Gekko


Logan Roy





John Dutton


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