How to shop online like a pro


Tips for shopping online like an expert

1- It's advisable not to buy everything in the same place, you have to take a tour of different stores and platforms to compare prices.

2- Check what buyers are saying. You have to get carried away by the comments and reviews. There you'll realize the attention and treatment that the brand has with customers.

3- You have to take into consideration that if you buy clothes online, it's possible that changes and returns take longer than normal.

4- Take a tour of the page's social networks. Locate the store's address, customer reviews, and brand reliability.

5- Check out what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says, remember they work to protect the customer by detecting the irregularities.

Let's remember the good thing about shopping online

  1. Shopping online is five hundred thousand times faster.
    Has it happened to you that you find a super offer in the physical store, but you don't have money? When this happens, you run the risk that this offer ends up when you go home for money and return to the store to make your payment.
  2. To sell, it isn't necessary to have a physical store (with a location and everything)
    A study by Big Data Corp says that there are more than 80,000 online stores in Mexico, so if you want to start a business you can sell without the need to have a store, boutique or changarro somewhere in your city.
  3. Deliveries arrive where you indicate with a single click
    You avoid lines, you can track your purchase and locate where in the world it is.
    In addition, many companies have implemented sanitization methods due to the pandemic.
  4. You can buy items that do not exist in the US
    If you take a dive you can find furniture, clothes, shoes, and even books that are little known and that -obviously- you won't find in a conventional store. So if it's in your plans to buy something exclusive to another country, surely you can get it online.

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