Buying in wholesale, is it worth it?

To avoid inflation expenses we may find buying in bulk may be a good way to save, although the real savings may come thanks to the fewer intermediates charging their fees and the less packaging needed for the huge volumes of products we buy, we have some thoughts to find out how convenient is for you to buy in bulk.

Wooooow, I saved over $24 dollars! I thought to myself as I carried giant boxes while arriving home with a ticket of more than $128 dollars in food expenses…instead of my usual ticket of $39 dollars.

This has happened to many of us, basically we have fallen into the game of “You buy more, you save more”. Although we might be spending more than usual…savings may also be involved. But if wholesale stores like Sam’s Club or Costco normally charge membership fees…are we really saving money or are we kidding ourselves? Here we tell you if it really is worth it buying “wholesale”.

Benefits of buying “in bulk”

Buying wholesale or in bulk can provide many benefits, both to reduce production costs and consumer spending and it also helps the planet by reducing the amount of waste in packaging and transportation of products.

How much do you really save by buying in Wholesale?

Buying in the big “wholesale” stores can mean savings of 30% on average.

This figure is the result of some informal experiments, but the savings percentage will always vary depending on the products, the location, and the store in comparison. Although there is no absolute rule, here are some of the most common cost savings you can expect at a big wholesale store:

  • For ready-to-eat products such as cereals, cookies and snack bars we find savings of 25% on average.
  • For more basic foods or ingredients such as flour for hot cakes, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, peanut butter, almonds or berries, we find savings of over 35%.
  • For cleaning products such as detergents or garbage bags we find savings of 37%.
  • In specialty food products, like dietary supplements or organic foods, we find savings of 38%, but when you buy the generic brand, the cost savings can be even greater than 50%.

However, in our experiment, we came across a couple of products that were even more expensive in wholesale stores, especially those of local origin, so you have to pay close attention to each purchase.

Tips for buying in bulk or Wholesale

    1. Buy non-perishable products: don’t be tempted to buy 80 apples because they will rot. Buying in bulk works best when you buy long-lasting things.
    2. Take special care of the freshness of the food: similar to the previous point, you may find that 10 lbs coffee tins are cheaper in Monstro market, than the 14 oz bag on the corner shop you like…but even so, I wouldn’t want to drink old coffee, even if it saves me 2 years of going to the coffeeshop (although I may still go once in a while).
    3. Don’t buy unnecessary things: if once in a while you eat a popsicle, don’t buy the bag with 250 popsicles just to save a few cents.
    4. Schedule your visits to Monstro Market: for me, it’s simple, I go once a month. I know it will be a big expense, but it will give me enough to eat what I like for a month.
    5. Be cautious of one-time use products: maybe you could save a few dollars if you buy 3 gallons of that special liquid you like to use to clean the dashboard of your car, but an industrial quantity would last you many years and surely the money you spend/save there, could be used in a much better investment.
    6. Use quality containers: if you are going to buy in bulk or wholesale, store your foods in airtight jars or in places where they are properly stored.
    7. Remember that you will need storage space: of course, buying in large quantities also requires large warehouse spaces, be prepared for it not becoming an issue.

The final conclusion of how worthy it really is can depend over your individual needs, according to what you buy.

Nevertheless I have realized that it really works for me even after paying the membership fee.

In fact, how much I save is not the most important reason, but because of the better quality products I get buying in wholesale.


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