8 Reasons to save money in winter

All the joy from the Holiday parties is over… Now what? This means two things: that we must get our act together with personal goals for this year, and that we have to start saving money to achieve our financial goals. Now we are in winter, a season with few public events and social life, so we can use the cold in our favor and give our 110% on the topic of saving.

Winter is the best time to learn

At home is where you can approach reading and cultivate yourself. You're finally going to dust off the book that was on your desk! It's also when we can reflect inward to connect with ourselves. Without rushing, take your time to answer, where am I, and where do I want to go? It will help you locate yourself and take the next step.

Book on top of blankets

Your home is your best friend

Treat it as such. Give it room to breath…and you'll feel more clarity. That means it's time to see what we have and throw away what we no longer need. Tidying up the house and our room is part of the same ritual since it also helps us start a new cycle with a focused mind, you'll need a guide to get rid of what you don’t need.

Take advantage of this time to give maintenance to the devices or facilities in your house that need it, although it seems like an expense, it's a small cost to prevent them from failing later and needing more expensive repairs.

Sweeping with broom

Stop collecting stuff and get ready for selling

Since you are already doing some cleaning in your house, we remind you that it's possible to live better with less and this also means that you can say goodbye to everything you don't need...even better, you can sell it. Maybe now is not the best time to sell, but the idea is that you already have everything ready for when the famous “spring sale” arrives.

Your home is also the best bar of the season

Since you are making the effort of leaving your house/apartment as you really like it, take the opportunity to invite friends to a BYOB (from “Bring Your Own Beer”) party or dinner. In this way you don't go out spending in bars or restaurants and take the opportunity to strengthen friendships since there is nothing more intimate than going to a house party

Party with friends

Fight the cold by saving


You don't have to rely on heating or a gas heater! Take advantage of the fact that it's cold to take out your animal-print quilt, prepare a hot chocolate and binge-watch the series you had pending on Netflix. Besides keeping yourself warm, you'll save some money. 'Tis the season in which the famous Netflix & Chill was invented.

Take advantage of the sunlight

Believe it or not, during winter is when it's best to become a morning person. Avoid going out at night, we have a few hours of sunlight! Better to wake up early and take advantage of the first hours of the day to cover your pending list and let some sunshine in. It's a good step towards a more effective and healthy life.

Cat sunbathing

It's the best time to exercise

The cold is no excuse to not exercise. Truth be told, that with the food we eat during the holidays, we have extra energy that we can use to move.

Be part of the winter fitness and get motivated to gain the muscle you didn't know you had. Besides, if you start working out in winter, you will have a better gain to go happy to the beach in the summer. Remember to get in shape without spending a fortune.

You have 66 days to improve

article 8 reasons

Did you know that, on average, we need 66 days for the brain to re-program itself to learn a new habit? Needless to say, the season allows for this opportunity. This is when you want to make your list of new habits and follow them to the letter. The beginning is the most difficult (yes, what you'll do during winter) but you will see that it's worth it.

Article translated by Rodolfo Schaefer


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