6 Ways to earn extra money online

Struggling for money? After cutting some expenses, are you still, you are still battling to end the month with some money in your pocket? Is your income not enough to meet your expenses? Is your savings account shrinking instead of growing?

“Big changes are accompanied by a strong shock.”

Fortunately, technology is on our side and if you get smart, very soon you'll have profits.
Here we share with you 6 options to start earning extra income online.

1- Starting a Business Online

The first thing you have to answer is: What are your hobbies?

Make a list of the 5 things you think you're good at.

It's important to note that you don't need to sell a physical product to have a successful online business.

For example: I know the case of a girl who is an expert in “energy healing” and was encouraged to do her online workshop.

At first, we would all think that she's selling us smoke, but in reality she is not. She sells what she knows.

-She teaches you to meditate
-To work on yourself
-Raise your vibration

If you notice, she isn't selling something tangible, but sharing important information for a specific segment and selling it by creating a community.

2- The sun rises for everyone

Yes, we know. There's a lot of competition but whatever you're going to create, give your business an extra touch, that will be your differentiator among so many proposals.

If all flower shops sell roses, you sell flower arrangements for Mother's Day made of sunflowers and vary according to the season of the year.

These are very simple examples, but great projects are made of small details.

3- Create a blog or newsletter

Create a blog that brings people together (makes them laugh or inspires them, informs them, or helps them disconnect for a while from home and work). Whatever contributes positively.

For example, there's this girl who shares on Instagram everything she reads, tries, listens to and sees in a whole week.
She realized that “sharing information” could be a profitable business.

She put together all the information collected in the previous weeks and that is how her blog and newsletter was born.

Over time, she realized that many people wanted to advertise in that newsletter. She now has a lot of subscribers to whom she shares quality recommendations while charging brands money so they can be advertised.

This is how the sponsors win, the creator of the newsletter wins (for the sale of advertising on her website) and the subscribers win.

4- Become a freelancer

The great thing about this is that you can work from home, you can define your hours, you don't wear a uniform, and you don't have office hours (you can get rid of traffic), one day you can work in a cafeteria, another in a library, another in the garden of your house and another, just do nothing.

To be freelance, you must be an expert in some segment.

1- You are a graphic designer.

2- You sell your designs to several companies (a publisher, a magazine, a small business, etc.)

3- You work by project and temporarily.

4- When you finish the project, you go with another company and so on.

Remember that being a freelancer is a new way of seeing the world.

5- Become a YouTuber?

Earning money on YouTube is not something as simple as it seems, but it isn't something unattainable either.

The challenge is to jump in and try, even if you don't have the slickest equipment or cameras or video editor.

Just make sure your content is cool, well-thought-out, and targeted to a specific niche.

6- Second-hand items

Warning. “Second hand” does not mean selling the first thing you find in your house.

Here are some things you can sell:

  • Your cell phone that is still working and that you no longer use.
  • Deep cleaning your closet, you'll surely find a hundred thousand garments that you can sell.
  • Shoes or tennis that you have used a few times.
  • Books and magazines.
  • Records or vinyl
  • Video games
  • Used but hard to find films.

Article translated by Rodolfo Schaefer

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