5 Thoughts that make you feel poor even if you're not

There is a phrase that says that we become what we think. We also remind you that the way you talk is the way you think. That's why, we want you to recount the times this year that you've said: “I have no money”. We have the slight suspicion that you use this expression a lot, don't you? This phenomenon of “lacking” has a scientific explanation. Thinking negatively is easier than thinking positively, that's one of the reasons why we take for granted that money is not our friend. All these thoughts come to us (almost always) unconsciously, and we repeat them so much that they end up convincing us that – in reality – money “despises” us and that is why it moves away from us.

Are you really poor, or are you kidding yourself?

You need to take responsibility for what you think, the fact of saying “I have no money” is a cliché (this is common) and a very comfortable phrase that serves as armor for some problems. Do you know the meaning of the saying “Poor or Poverty”? If today you woke up in your warm bed, if you prepared your breakfast and then took a long bath. You're fortunate. It's a very different thing not having access to health services, not having a place to sleep and not being able to enjoy basic housing services. That, my dear friends, is the -literal- definition of being poor :(

"Saying -I have no money- is a very comfortable phrase that serves as armor for some problems."

The expressions that make you feel poor (even if you're not)

You hinder your mind because “you don't have money”.

Recount your memory, where had you heard these types of expressions? “I have a lot of expenses, it's very expensive, I earn very little, or I've already spent my paycheck”. It could be your aunt, your best friend, your sister or even you who just won't stop repeating these expressions that instead of giving you a boost, they're dragging you down. What you should do is to start doing actions that keep you away from those thoughts. What if, instead of saying -I don't have-, you tell yourself that you're a person that enjoys abundance? Perhaps (for now) it's not true, but remember that your brain believes what you tell it.

Rather be dead than plain.

Stop right there. You don't need to have a lot of money to look good. A basic rule to have a good relationship with your money is not to spend more than you have, so get creative and take advantage of what you wear (roll up your shirt, rip your jeans to make them look cooler and read about the truth of generic vs brand clothing).

You say you work a lot, but your money isn't enough.

One day, Mark Zuckerberg was asked how he managed to have so much money. He replied: What I know is that I was not going to get rich working as a full-time programmer at the company where I was hired a few years ago.

Blaming everyone because you don't have money.

“It's just that my parents never taught me to save, the government is stealing my money! Or in the company where I work they pay me very little money”. This dynamic is very common and works as follows: You don't have good financial habits → You realize that, and you feel bad → Your solution is to blame everything around you → You don't do anything to change what you don't like → You wait your whole life for someone to come and save you → You die frustrated.

The neighbor's grass will always be greener than yours.

This is an expression that dates back to prehistory, but it's true. If you focus on what your friends or family are doing, you're screwed. Better to focus on what you've achieved and go for what you want (don't just think about it, set goals, make a list and make decisions)

What if instead of saying “I don't have”, you tell yourself that you are a person who enjoys abundance? Be careful what you tell yourself, when you spend on something or when you see that your money is running out, don't think that you're going poor. Your money must be in motion (expenses, healthy debts, savings, and investments). If you feel that your money is going away, think that the idea of keeping it close to you and not letting it go will not help you at all. Don't keep it under a mattress, nor treasure it because it will hardly grow. Let it flow, but above all, be aware that your thoughts can change your life both positively and negatively. It's your choice.

Article translated by Rodolfo Schaefer

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